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Vidya S

Aikyam Change Ambassador

Hippocampus Springfields Public School

Channapatna, Karnataka, India

My background and what inspired me to become a teacher...

One of my teachers inspired me to become a teacher. He was a math teacher. I struggled academically when I was a kid. At that time, students were scared to ask questions to clear doubts. But this teacher was different. As a teacher, I encourage my students to ask questions, to clear any confusion. We are like a family, and they know they can share anything with me, even personal problems. I am motivated by that.

Teachers play an important role in the lives of children. No matter who they turn out be – engineer, doctor, or even prime minister – they need a teacher, a guru, to teach and guide.

My experience as a teacher...

I have been a teacher for 12 years. Three years after I started, I took a break, took typing classes. But, a year later, I returned to teaching. I teach at the Hippocampus Springfields Public School. It's located in Channapatna, Karnataka, which is a rural area. I teach Math and Science for sixth and seventh grades.

Our school gives all teachers training on how to keep children’s attention, how to teach new concepts. We work according to a schedule that includes assemblies, time for training and special programs like Aikyam. So, teachers don’t have to plan out their time on their own.

I am inspired by...

I consider APJ Abdul Kalam as my role model. The main reason is how simple and humble a man he was, even though he was the President of India and held high positions as a scientist. He mingles with children, has conversations with them. He is an impressive man.

My interest outside of teaching...

I help teachers and students at other schools, like government schools, on a volunteer basis. I share my knowledge with them and provide any clarifications they may need. These are village schools and need the help. I set aside time in the evening for that.

My experience with Aikyam...

It has been a good experience because we don't have anything like it before. The students are also very curious and eager to attend. Aikyam has taught us how to increase our knowledge by asking questions. The students learn about things outside academics. After classes, instead of just playing video games or watching TV, now they spend time thinking about different topics. Their level of thinking has improved because of Aikyam activities. They are paying attention to real-life problems in their community, like unemployment, asking questions and proposing solutions. They like the fact that it they can propose whatever occurs to them. There are no right or wrong answers. And, of course, no exams.

I am also learning with them also. When they ask questions, my curiosity is raised as well. There is a big ocean of knowledge. And every opportunity to learn is good.

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